Unit 6 Objectives: Industrialization and Economic Development
- Understanding the measurements of industrialization and development
- Describing and discussing the diffusion of Industrialization (with a focus on the Industrial Revolution)
- Using and applying geographic models and theories (Bid (land) rent, Core and Peripheral, Weber’s Industrial Location Theory, Central Place Theory
- Explaining the impact (landscape, economic, and environmental) of industrialization and development in various places on the globe
- Comparing and contrasting development and industrialization in various places around the globe
- Analyzing industrial location factors and determining the best location based on a variety of factors.
Chapter 9 - Development
More Developed Countries |
Less Developed Countries
Changes in Development
Millennium Development Goals Activity
Make-Up Activity
1. Watch the Millennium Development Goals videos (4 videos below)
2. Answer the questions on the MDGs handout and describe each of the goals
3. Watch the youtube 2015 update & see if the goals were accomplished
4. Explore the New UN Sustainable Development Goals
1. Watch the Millennium Development Goals videos (4 videos below)
2. Answer the questions on the MDGs handout and describe each of the goals
3. Watch the youtube 2015 update & see if the goals were accomplished
4. Explore the New UN Sustainable Development Goals
Gender Issues - Half the Sky & Girl Rising
De-industrialization - Comparing two Cities Activity
Liverpool |